It may happen that even so successful jenkins build remains "In Progress" in Bitbucket.
At my employer we use Jenkins as build server and Bitbucket as git repository server. They can be integrated so that a push of the code triggers the ci pipeline, which ultimately returns the status of the build which is “In Progress”, “Failed” or “Successful”. Usually that works fine, but we - as well as others - have discovered that this does not always work and builds which were successful still are reported as “In Progress”.
Until this issue is properly fixed you may need to work-around it. Following Updating build status for commits ( this can be done via the REST API but first we need to get the key of the build in question, using the commit id from the pr which triggered the build (see screenshot above)
Using the information above, we need to send a json-payload with the correct state for example:
Then run this
Sure this manual process so it makes sense to automate the whole procedure. Well as at my employeer we mostly work on Windows machines, I’ve made a small powershell script.