Sometimes it may be necessary to 'copy' docker images from one registry to another one - which is a very easy thing to do
At my employer we don’t have direct internet access, so if one needs to download docker image, she/he needs to use the internal registry (JFrog Artifactory), rather the official docker registry. Artifactory itself runs on kubernetes as well, thus relying on docker images - images hosted by itself. This can cause troubles when you want to upgrade Artifactory and requires to download new docker images. This we have setup a fallback registry using docker-registry. In order to have the fallback images stored in this registry we have to “copy” them there.
All you have to do are these simple steps:
Download the image you need
Tag the image, using the url from the fallback-registry (docker-fallback.prd.intra):
Now that we have tagged the image, we can push it to the fallback-registry
That’s it, the image is now available on the fallback-registry.