Convert Manjaro Linux back to Arch Linux
Posted on May 7, 2021 by Adrian Wyssmann ‐ 6 min read
Manjaro is e very popular distribution based on Arch. I tried it for several months ultimately decided to switch back to pure Arch. But how to do so, without a complete new installation?
Arch vs. Manjaro
Arch is a Rolling Release distribution and has the philosophy to keep it simple. The base system is very minimal and there is no GUI installer
Arch is installed as a minimal base system, configured by the user upon which their own ideal environment is assembled by installing only what is required or desired for their unique purposes. GUI configuration utilities are not officially provided, and most system configuration is performed from the shell by editing simple text files. Arch strives to stay bleeding edge, and typically offers the latest stable versions of most software.
Manjaro is based on Arch but, has a focus on more user-friendliness and accessibility and it’s designed to work fully “straight out of the box”. It comes with a GUI installer and some pre-installed software. Looking at Distrowatch, Manjaro is very popular - 2nd place as of Today.
Why Manjaro and why switching back?
I use Arch since years, cause having a Rolling Release gives you the latest an greatest software without hassle. On my daily work computer I had Arch installed. But yeah, sometimes I break things, and as I completely screw up my notebook, I had to reinstall the OS and I decided to give Manjaro. I am using it for about 2 years now and so far I was ok. But even so it’s based on Arch, not everything available there, is immediately available in Manjaro. Usually this is not a problem but since Gnome 40 was released, I was waiting for it to appear - but it did not yet
You can switch to Gnome 40 Shell right now by changing to unstable branch. We make sure that a seamless update will be possible. When it will land in stable branch we can’t tell. Maybe weeks, maybe months …
I don’t want to wait weeks or months and I also don’t want to run Manjaro Unstable cause after all it’s on my productive notebook. This is where I started to look into switching back to Arch.
Steps to switch back
I found Cover image for Turn your Manjaro into ArchTurn your Manjaro into Arch , an article by Naimul Kabir which it’s a pretty good starting point. I however, extend it with some more information of what I had to do
Pacman configuration
First you have to switch pacman - the package manager back, so that it pulls from the arch repos and not the manjaro ones. First you need to modify /etc/pacman.cfg
and remove manjaro specific entries and ensure you use mirror-lists. Mine looks as follows
After that go to Arch Mirrorlist and generate the mirror list for your country and add it to /etc/pacman.d/mirrolist
We also remove the pacman-mirrors.conf
Change references from Manjaro to Arch
First we remove the manjaro-release
package - -Rs
removes packages and it’s dependencies and with -n
we make a copy of important configuration files:
After that we also have to update os-release-file - which identifies the OS. It can be found in /etc/os-release
and shall contain this content:
As next we update the issue-file - which contains a message or system identification to be printed before the login prompt. It is found at /etc/issue
and shall contain this:
At last we update the lsb-release-file - LSB stands for Linux Standard Base - and the file contains certain LSB and distribution information. We remove the existing and create a new-one
This will create a new one which looks like this:
Update packages, install Arch kernel
First let’s synch the pacman database and update the system:
Manjaro manages kernels different than Arch. Kernel packages in Manjaro are something like linuxNNN
where NNN
represents the version. So Manjaro keeps various stable kernels, whereas Arch has only one stable kernel. Thus install the kernel package
Remove all Manjaro-specific kernel packages
Once you have the adequate kernels, ensure to update your [grub]. In /etc/default/grub
to Arch
. Then update the grub config
You may also remove other Manjaro-specific packages:
At last, install missing or additonal packages