Rancher 2.5.x istio v2
Posted on September 9, 2021 by Adrian Wyssmann ‐ 2 min read
Installing istio with Rancher is quite easy, but in combination wit alerting for MS Teams some guidance might be helpful. I guide you trough the process of the complete installation
Istio Operator
Since we want to use restricted pod security policies with Istio we have to use the Istio CNI plugin.
Follow the instructions from the Rancher documentation.
In Rancher ensure ingress Gateway is enabled → see Installation and Configuration Details Container Platform
Open the “Cluster Explorer”
Select the desired project
Open “Apps & Marketplace” and open “istio
Select “Components” and then select these options
- Version: 1.9.300 (latest, depends on the version of Rancher)
- Install into Project: System
- Components: select all
We override some of the default options with the istio-overlay-file Select Overlay File and add this snippet:
apiVersion: install.istio.io/v1alpha1 kind: IstioOperator spec: hub: docker.intra # not needed values: pilot: autoscaleEnabled: true autoscaleMax: 5 autoscaleMin: 3 components: ingressGateways: - name: istio-ingressgateway k8s: hpaSpec: minReplicas: 3 egressGateways: - name: istio-egressgateway k8s: hpaSpec: minReplicas: 3 pilot: k8s: hpaSpec: minReplicas: 3
to clarify
In previous versions we had the custom answers, but we have to clarify what is still needed: Case 00309732 · Custom answers equivalent for istio 1.9 (suse.com)
Some of them are obsolete as they are either enabled by default or not valid anymore
gateways.istio-egressgateway.autoscaleMin = 3 gateways.istio-ingressgateway.autoscaleMin = 3 global.controlPlaneSecurityEnabled = true global.outboundTrafficPolicy.mode = REGISTRY_ONLY kiali.hub = ci-tools.intra:5000 kiali.replicaCount = 3
- Click “Install”
Installation of istio is documented at Confluence.
Some reference documentation for this:
- IstioOperator Options
- Global Mesh Options
- Health Checking of Istio Services
- Istio Configuration Options
- Enable Istio with Pod Security Policies
- Overlay File
Check what’s installed
See also Install with Istioctl
kubectl -n istio-system get IstioOperator installed-state -o yaml