Rancher 2.5.x monitoring and alerting with MS Teams

Posted on September 9, 2021 by Adrian Wyssmann ‐ 5 min read

Installing monitoring and configuration with Rancher is quite easy, but in combination wit alerting for MS Teams some guidance might be helpful. I guide you trough the process of the complete installation and configuration


The rancher-monitoring operator, introduced in Rancher v2.5, is powered by Prometheus, Grafana, Alertmanager, the Prometheus Operator, and the Prometheus adapter.

Rancher’s solution allows users to:

  • Monitor the state and processes of your cluster nodes, Kubernetes components, and software deployments via Prometheus, a leading open-source monitoring solution.
  • Define alerts based on metrics collected via Prometheus
  • Create custom dashboards to make it easy to visualize collected metrics via Grafana
  • Configure alert-based notifications via Email, Slack, PagerDuty, etc. using Prometheus Alertmanager
  • Defines precomputed, frequently needed or computationally expensive expressions as new time series based on metrics collected via Prometheus (only available in 2.5)
  • Expose collected metrics from Prometheus to the Kubernetes Custom Metrics API via Prometheus Adapter for use in HPA (only available in 2.5)

Installation of Monitoring

Install Operator

  1. Go to “Apps & Marketplace” in “Cluster Explorer” and select “Monitoring”

  2. Configure the monitoring as follows

    Install Monitoring
    Install Monitoring
    Install Monitoring 'Pormetheus'
    Install Monitoring 'Prometheus
    Install Monitoring 'Alerting
    Install Monitoring 'Alerting
    Install Monitoring 'Grafana
    Install Monitoring 'Grafana'

  3. Click on “Edit as YAML” and add the following to prometheus.prometheusSpec.additionalScrapeConfigs (see Rancher Docs: Selectors and Scrape Configs) to scrape traffic from istio-enabled namespaces.

    - job_name: 'istio/envoy-stats'
      scrape_interval: 15s
      metrics_path: /stats/prometheus
        - role: pod
        - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_name]
        action: keep
        regex: '.*-envoy-prom'
        - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
        action: replace
        regex: ([^:]+)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
        replacement: $1:15090
        target_label: __address__
        - action: labelmap
        regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)
        - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
        action: replace
        target_label: namespace
        - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_name]
        action: replace
        target_label: pod_name
  4. Optionally you may add Ingress configurations to the yaml, so developers can access it without going over the Rancher UI

    Ingress for Grafana:

        annotations: {}
        enabled: true
        - grafana.intra
        labels: {}
        - /
        tls: []

    Ingress for Alertmanager

        annotations: {}
        enabled: true
        - alertmanager.intra
        labels: {}
        - /
        tls: []

    Ingress for Prometheus:

        annotations: {}
        enabled: true
        - prometheus.intra
        labels: {}
        - /
        tls: []
  5. Click “Install”

Now we have all monitoring components installed and are ready to configure the alerting.

Configure Alerting for MS Teams

Incoming Webhooks in MS Teams

  1. First you need to create a Incoming Webhook in your MS Teams “Team”. We name the connector as follows in order to see where it is used: Container Platform Cluster "CONTEXT" - CONTEXT is the cluster name e.g DEV:

    Incoming Webhook Setup
    Incoming Webhook Setup
  2. Copy the URL

  3. Click Done

Install Alerting Drivers

As we are using MS teams the steps required are slightly different as if you would use Slack. This is due to the need of the need of rancher-alerting-drivers. Thus we have to do the following steps

  1. Install “Alerting Drivers” via Apps & Marketplace, with the following options

    • Chart Options: [x] Enable Microsoft Teams
    • Namespace: cattle-monitoring-system
  2. Configure prom2teams. You can do this either via the Rancher UI or as I prefer, to use a separate manifest file, as follows:

    apiVersion: v1
    config.ini: |-
      [HTTP Server]
      Port: 8089
      [Microsoft Teams]
      msteams-alert-1: https://xxxx.webhook.office.com/webhookb2/xxxx/IncomingWebhook/xxx
      msteams-alert-2: https://xxxx.webhook.office.com/webhookb2/xxxx/IncomingWebhook/xxx
      Level: INFO
      Path: /opt/prom2teams/helmconfig/teams.j2  
    teams.j2: |-
      {%- set
      theme_colors = {
          'resolved' : '2DC72D',
          'critical' : '8C1A1A',
          'severe' : '8C1A1A',
          'warning' : 'FF9A0B',
          'unknown' : 'CCCCCC'
        "@type": "MessageCard",
        "@context": "http://schema.org/extensions",
        "themeColor": "{% if status=='resolved' %} {{ theme_colors.resolved }} {% else %} {{ theme_colors[msg_text.severity] }} {% endif %}",
        "summary": "{% if status=='resolved' %}(Resolved) {% endif %}{{ msg_text.summary }}",
        "title": "Prometheus alert '{{ msg_text.name }}' {% if status=='resolved' %}(Resolved) {% elif status=='unknown' %} (status unknown) {% else %} triggered {% endif %}",
        "sections": [{
            "activityTitle": "{{ msg_text.summary }}",
            "facts": [{% if msg_text.name %}{
                "name": "Alert",
                "value": "{{ msg_text.name }}"
            },{% endif %}{% if msg_text.instance %}{
                "name": "In host",
                "value": "{{ msg_text.instance }}"
            },{% endif %}{% if msg_text.severity %}{
                "name": "Severity",
                "value": "{{ msg_text.severity }}"
            },{% endif %}{% if msg_text.description %}{
                "name": "Description",
                "value": "{{ msg_text.description }}"
            },{% endif %}{
                "name": "Status",
                "value": "{{ msg_text.status }}"
            }{% if msg_text.extra_labels %}{% for key in msg_text.extra_labels %},{
                "name": "{{ key }}",
                "value": "{{ msg_text.extra_labels[key] }}"
            }{% endfor %}{% endif %}
            {% if msg_text.extra_annotations %}{% for key in msg_text.extra_annotations %},{
                "name": "{{ key }}",
                "value": "{{ msg_text.extra_annotations[key] }}"
            }{% endfor %}{% endif %}],
            "markdown": true
    kind: ConfigMap
    name: rancher-alerting-drivers-prom2teams
    namespace: cattle-monitoring-system


    • The section [Microsoft Teams] in the config.ini contains configurations for the Incoming Webhooks, using the url from the configuration in MS Teams
    • The teams.j2 is slightly adjusted to the original one.
  3. As we are sitting behind a proxy, we have to manually add the proxy configuration to the rancher-alerting-drivers-prom2teams deployment:

    - env:
    - name: HTTP_PROXY
        value: 'http://myproxy.intra:8888'
    - name: HTTPS_PROXY
        value: 'http://myproxy.intra:8888'
  4. You can check now if the setup works, using the following command:

    context=xxxx;kubectl logs $(kubectl get pods -n cattle-monitoring-system  -l app.kubernetes.io/name\=prom2teams -o name --no-headers=true --context $context) -n cattle-monitoring-system --context $context

    If there is an issue, you would see it in the logs.

Add Receivers

Once the pods are running, one has to configure the Receivers - unfortunately this has to be done manually in the Rancher UI:

Yes, you can add routes and receivers via kubectl and base64 but it’s not recommended. They are stored in the alertmanager secrets under the cattle-monitoring namespace for Monitoring v2.

So we create for each incoming webhook a route, example:

  name: MS Teams T-OPS-Alerting "DEV - Container Platform"
    - url: >-
          cert_file: ''
          key_file: ''
        proxy_url: ''
      send_resolved: true

Take attention on the url as this points to the rancher-alerting-drivers-prom2teams-pod using the connection defined in the prom2teams-configuration as explained above. Inthis case we use msteams-alert-1.

Add Routes

At last we need a Route which tells which alerts shall appear in the channel. We want all default alerts in it, so we match the namespace: cattle-monitoring-system:

  receiver: MS Teams T-OPS-Alerting "DEV - Container Platform"
  group_wait: 30s
  group_interval: 5m
  repeat_interval: 4h
    namespace: cattle-monitoring-system

And voilĂ , here you have your alerts:

incoming alert in MS Teams
Alert shown in the MS Teams channel