Manage Rancher Projects in Terraform
Posted on November 2, 2022 by Adrian Wyssmann ‐ 6 min read
While working on managing our Rancher clusters is the management of Rancher projects. I want to talk about the approach I have taken, which may be useful to you as well.
What is a project?
Rancher is using projects as an additional layer:
A project is a group of namespaces, and it is a concept introduced by Rancher. Projects allow you to manage multiple namespaces as a group and perform Kubernetes operations in them. You can use projects to support multi-tenancy, so that a team can access a project within a cluster without having access to other projects in the same cluster.
In terms of hierarchy:
- Clusters contain projects
- Projects contain namespaces
There are several things you can do on projects
- Assign users to a group of namespaces (i.e., project membership).
- Assign users specific roles in a project. A role can be owner, member, read-only, or custom.
- Assign resources to the project.
- Assign Pod Security Policies.
Each cluster already come with 2 pre-defined projects:
How to manage projects with Terraform?
Generic approach
The obvious resource to do that is rancher2_project, which allows you to manage a project and it’s resources. However, if you also want to manage the permissions, you also need
- rancher2_role_template - Provides a Rancher v2 Role Template resource. This can be used to create Role Template for Rancher v2 and retrieve their information
- rancher2_project_role_template_binding - Provides a Rancher v2 Project Role Template Binding resource. This can be used to create Project Role Template Bindings for Rancher v2 environments and retrieve their information
I consider projects, relatively static, so we can easily have multiple blocks like this
resource "rancher2_project" "default" {
name ="Default"
description = "Default project created for the cluster",
cluster_id =
container_resource_limit {
limits_cpu = 10m
limits_memory = 10Mi
requests_cpu = 2
requests_memory = 2Gi
resource_quota {
project_limit {
requests_storage = 5000Mi
namespace_default_limit {
requests_storage = 500Mi
Then we also need the rancher2_role_template and rancher2_project_role_template_binding, which will lead to a lot of resources and relatively tedious if you have a lot of projects and role-bindings. So my aim is to manage projects and the related role bindings together, also so that developers which are eventually not so deep into terraform can easily adjust limits and so.
How I manage projects
So I decided to have a local map, which contains all projects and it’s configuration in a file called
locals {
projects = {
"default" = {
name = "Default",
description = "Default project created for the cluster",
limits_cpu = "2000m",
limits_memory = "1000Mi",
requests_cpu = "10m",
requests_memory = "10Mi",
requests_storage_project = "5000Mi",
requests_storage_namespace = "500Mi"
"system" = {
name = "System",
description = "System project created for the cluster",
limits_cpu = "2000m",
limits_memory = "1000Mi",
requests_cpu = "10m",
requests_memory = "10Mi",
requests_storage_project = "3000Gi",
requests_storage_namespace = "80Gi"
Projects can be dynamically created using a fore_each
resource "rancher2_project" "pr" {
for_each = local.projects
name =
description = each.value.description
cluster_id =
container_resource_limit {
limits_cpu = each.value.limits_cpu
limits_memory = each.value.limits_memory
requests_cpu = each.value.requests_cpu
requests_memory = each.value.requests_memory
resource_quota {
project_limit {
requests_storage = each.value.requests_storage_project
namespace_default_limit {
requests_storage = each.value.requests_storage_namespace
How I manage roles
First we have to understand that roles are defined in the local
cluster, and in order to create the bindings, we need the role_template_id of these roles. As each cluster has it’s own state file, we need first make the current cluster aware of the remote state of the local
cluster, in file
. Assuming we use azurerm as backend it would look like this:
data "terraform_remote_state" "local-state" {
backend = "azurerm"
config = {
use_azuread_auth = true
tenant_id = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
subscription_id = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
resource_group_name = "rg-rancher"
storage_account_name = "sa-rancher"
container_name = "rancher"
key = "rancher-local"
We also need to expose the role_template_ids in a way, we can use them, hence we have this
output "roleids" {
description = "IDs for roles"
value = {
Now we can access them using the rolename, so for example custom-read-only
-role will be accessed like this:
As a next step, as I already have the list local.projects
, I extend it with a map memebers
locals {
projects = {
"default" = {
name = "Default",
description = "Default project created for the cluster",
limits_cpu = "2000m",
limits_memory = "1000Mi",
requests_cpu = "10m",
requests_memory = "10Mi",
requests_storage_project = "5000Mi",
requests_storage_namespace = "500Mi"
"all-ro" = {
"ro" = {
"pm" = {
"system" = {
name = "System",
description = "System project created for the cluster",
limits_cpu = "2000m",
limits_memory = "1000Mi",
requests_cpu = "10m",
requests_memory = "10Mi",
requests_storage_project = "5000Mi",
requests_storage_namespace = "500Mi"
members = {
"all-ro" = {
"ro" = {
"pm" = {
At last I create the role binding dynamically, but first I need to create an iterable list with all data from the members
element of each project. Hence I iterate over all projects and grab the required inf
locals {
prtbs = flatten([
for projectname,project in local.projects : [
for role, details in project.members: {
role_name = "${projectname}-${role}"
project_name = "${projectname}"
role_template_id = data.terraform_remote_state.local-state.outputs.roleids["${details.role}"]
group_principal_id = "activedirectory_group://CN=${},OU=K8S,OU=Groups,DC=wyssmann,DC=intra"
Which will get me this list
"group_principal_id" = "activedirectory_group://CN=K8s_ALL_ReadOnly,OU=K8S,OU=Groups,DC=wyssmann,DC=intra
"project_name" = "default"
"role_name" = "default-all-ro"
"role_template_id" = "rt-xxxxx"
"group_principal_id" = "activedirectory_group://CN=K8s_Default_ProjectMember,OU=K8S,OU=Groups,DC=wyssmann,DC=intra
"project_name" = "default"
"role_name" = "default-pm"
"role_template_id" = "rt-xxxxx"
"group_principal_id" = "activedirectory_group://CN=K8s_Default_ReadOnly,OU=K8S,OU=Groups,DC=wyssmann,DC=intra
"project_name" = "default"
"role_name" = "default-ro"
"role_template_id" = "rt-xxxxx"
"group_principal_id" = "activedirectory_group://CN=K8s_ALL_ReadOnly,OU=K8S,OU=Groups,DC=wyssmann,DC=intra
"project_name" = "system"
"role_name" = "system-all-ro"
"role_template_id" = "rt-xxxxx"
"group_principal_id" = "activedirectory_group://CN=K8s_System_ProjectMember,OU=K8S,OU=Groups,DC=wyssmann,DC=intra
"project_name" = "system"
"role_name" = "system-pm"
"role_template_id" = "rt-xxxxx"
"group_principal_id" = "activedirectory_group://CN=K8s_System_ReadOnly,OU=K8S,OU=Groups,DC=wyssmann,DC=intra
"project_name" = "system"
"role_name" = "system-ro"
"role_template_id" = "rt-xxxxx"
From this least I use for_each
to create a resource for each binding
resource "rancher2_project_role_template_binding" "prtb" {
for_each = { for entry in local.prtbs : "${entry.role_name}" => entry }
name = "${each.key}"
project_id =["${each.value.project_name}"].id
role_template_id = each.value.role_template_id
group_principal_id = each.value.group_principal_id
When working with a lot of objects of the same type, it fastly becomes tedious to manually create multiple similar resource blocks, and adjusting the values of each of the blocks without errors. I find it easier to have a easy manageable list/map and create resources dynamically. Luckily [Terraform] supports that, although in the beginning I struggled quite a bit to get the loops and inner loops correctly. Once you manage that, you have a lot of possibilities to make your config files much more manageable and readable.