
A collection of resources that help you to study programming and sw engineering by yourself and for free

Posted July 19, 2022 by Adrian Wyssmann

The list primarily appeared in this post

Study Plans Software Engineering

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Github: jwasham/coding-interview-university This is my multi-month study plan for going from web developer (self-taught, no CS degree) to software engineer for a large company
Github: kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap Below you find a set of charts demonstrating the paths that you can take and the technologies that you would want to adopt in order to become a frontend, backend or a devops
Github: microsoft/Web-Dev-For-Beginners Azure Cloud Advocates at Microsoft are pleased to offer a 12-week, 24-lesson curriculum all about JavaScript, CSS, and HTML basics. Each lesson includes pre- and post-lesson quizzes, written instructions to complete the lesson, a solution, an assignment and more
Github: PacktPublishing / Hands-On-Software-Engineering-with-Golang Hands-On Software Engineering with Golang, published by Packt
Github: ossu / computer-science Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science!
Github: IoT for Beginners Azure Cloud Advocates at Microsoft are pleased to offer a 12-week, 24-lesson curriculum all about IoT basics.

Workshops and Examples

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Ansible Workshops Training Course for Ansible Automation Platform
Code example from the book “Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) Study Guide Code example from the book “Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) Study Guide” published by O’Reilly Media


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Github: EbookFoundation/free-programming-books This list was originally a clone of StackOverflow - List of Freely Available Programming Books with contributions from Karan Bhangui and George Stocker
Github: pyvideo/data Python related videos and metadata powering PyVideo


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Youtube: CareerFoundry Get started in Design and Tech: Weekly videos in UX / UI / Development and Data Analytics