Jenkins is a very popular ci solution and offer a lot of extensibility by plugins. However, updating these plugins while you are sitting behind a corporate firewall. I explain you what is the issue and how we solve it.
I guess working in sw development we all know Jenkins and the ones how have to maintain it, knows the pain it can cause. Still, even if there are (better) alternatives, Jenkins may still be the first choice for a lot of companies. I would like to share here some things, which helps to reduce duplication of code and sharing pipelines among teams.
It may happen that even so successful jenkins build remains "In Progress" in Bitbucket.
Adding a slave to a Jenkins master always required to add the slave via the GUI and then gather the secret in order to be able to connect the slave. So I was wondering whether a slave could be created programmatically.
Recently, for a job interview I had to solve a development task: Create a .NET C## application which converts digital numbers into roman numbers