Tag "Kubernetes"

Debugging Network Issues in K8s

Troubleshooting networking issues in docker and kubernetes is often difficult and the root cause can be in different places including the underlying networking infrastructure. I have collected some information which might be helpful.

Useful kubectl and helm commands

Some commands you also might find useful when working with kubectl

How to add encoded key- and truststore to K8s secret

Working with java applications in kubernetes, you might come use

Your first Kubernetes deployment

Kubernetes is complex and at first overwhelming if you never did something with it. In this post I want to focus on a simple deployment and putting some pieces (Pod, Deployment, ConfigMap, Ingress) together to get a better understanding for newbies.

Upgrade istio, monitoring and logging from Rancher 2.4.x. to 2.5.x

While we are using Rancher 2.5.x our current cluster management solution, we actually still are using the old istio- and monitoring-stack v1 rather than v2. We want to change that but it is not as easy as we thought.

Authentication and Authorization in Kubernetes

Authentication (who am I) and authorization (what I am allowed to do) are essential and thus having a basic understanding on how Kubernetes handles this, is very useful.

What is the Kubernetes API and CRD

When working with Kubernetes CRDs is something that you will stumble upon, so you should know what it is. But this does not go without understanding the main principles of the Kubernetes API