Tag "Testing"

Configuration Management and Testing

Configuration management has always been a challenging topic. But what is it? Why is it so challenging?

False negative / false positive tests

Software testing is not only running test cases but more of using a testers mindset and skills to find bugs and verify that the software is working correctly. However, usage of test cases (manual or automated) is essential to speed-up your testing and having reproducible tests for your regression testing. Obviously you want to be able to trust the tests - especially the outcome of these tests. However, regardless whether it is manual or automated testing, there are two terms you should understand and bear in mind. So what is it?

Test Data Management

Test data management is crucial on the test engineering process and therefore shall be considered carefully. But what is 'Test Data Management' and why is it important?

How to report bugs?

When I used to work as test manager I encouraged my people to write issues/bugs that have certain quality. But actually this is not only true for testers but generally for everyone who reports bugs - especially if you are not in direct contact with the developers.

Test Data

Test data is very important for testing, but why? and what is test data?